Hi there! Welcome to our website!
We are a married pair of queer artists, living and working out of our home studios in North Carolina. We originally met while getting our BFAs from SCAD, and have created countless pieces of artwork over the 10+ years we have been together. Paige has a background in graphic and textile design, and currently works as a freelancer while Mac works full time as a glass artist. With our combination of graphic and physical skills, we create original, one-of-a-kind pieces of stained glass as a pair! We love selling at local shows, doing custom work, and making some gay and silly pieces!
We both love haunted houses, our tortoiseshell cat Pam, southern food, traveling, thrifting, and collecting all sorts of weird stuff!
In case our website hasn’t made it obvious, we also love color, pattern, and exploring new art forms! We are always looking to expand our work and make connections, so if you like what you see, please, contact us!